Cyrus Townsend Brady

Cyrus Townsend Brady (1861 - 1920), a U.S. Naval Academy graduate (1883), was a journalist, historian and adventure writer. He was also ordained by the Protestant Episcopal Church and was chaplain of the First Pennsylvania Volunteers at the time of the Spanish-American War. He is best known by his historical novels (many of which are not nautically based).

His books are mainly out of print and information on them is hard to come by. Some are based in the early period of steam and some are part romantic novels. Some novels are marked as being in the 'Boys of the Service Series' which is sometimes classed as children's literature. Many of his novels are not copyright in many countries and some are available as free eBooks

Age of Sail: Fiction

AOS Naval Fiction

Series: Boys of the Service
Year  Book  Comment
  In the War with Mexico A Midshipman's Adventures on Ship and Shore
  In the Wasp's Nest The story of a sea waif in the war of 1812
  A Midshipman in the Pacific His adventures on whaler, trader and frigate
  On the Old Kearsarge A story of the civil war
Series: n/a
Year  Book  Comment
1754  The Quiberon Touch A romance of the days when "The Great Lord Hawke" was king of the sea
1865  Woven With the Ship A Novel of 1865, Together with Certain Other Veracious Tales of Various Sorts
  The Two Captains A romance of Bonaparte and Nelson
  For Love of Country A Story of Land and Sea in the Days of the Revolution
  For the Freedom of the Sea  A Romance of the War of 1812 
  The Blue Ocean's Daughter  About an amazonian sort of young woman who was born onboard her father's ship
  The Grip of Honor  A Story of Paul Jones and the American Revolution 
  Under Tops'ls and Tents Based on the authors experiences in the Navy and Army
  Reuben James: A Hero of the Forecastle A sailor takes a blow intended for Stephen Decatur

AOS Pirate Fiction

Series: n/a
Year  Book  Comment
  Sir Henry Morgan, Buccaneer A Romance of the Spanish Main

AOS Other Nautical Fiction

Series: n/a
Year  Book  Comment
  Waif-o-the-Sea The adventures of the crew of a whaling ship
  A Book of Sea Stories A collection of short stories about the sea


AOS Naval Non-Fiction

Series: n/a
Year  Book  Comment
  Commodore Paul Jones A biography of John Paul Jones
  Stephen Decatur A biography of Stephen Decatur

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