Frederick Marryat

Captain Frederick Marryat (1792- 1848) is probably one of the most important authors to write historical naval fiction books. Firstly he was one of  the first authors to write such books and they must be considered as some of the most authentic as he actually served in the Royal Navy during the Napoleonic Wars. He first served aboard Lord Cochrane's HMS Imperieuse when she attacked French and Spanish interests in the Western Mediterranean.

One of his novels, Mr Midshipman Easy, was one of the first books I ever read and started a life long interest in the exploits of the Georgian Navy

He also wrote about other subjects besides life at sea .Some of his merchant and pirate fiction novels can be found in the related pages links to the right. Many of his novels are not copyright in many countries and some are available as free eBooks.

AOS Naval Fiction

Series: n/a
Year  Book  Comment
  Mr Midshipman Easy The sea career of Midshipman Easy
  Frank Mildmay: or The Naval Officer Mildmay's rapidly rises through the ranks of the Royal Navy
  The King's Own A book about the Nore and Spithead mutiny's
  Newton Forster: or The Merchant Service The master of a coastal brig is pressed into the Royal Navy unlawfully
  Peter Simple The life at sea of another Midshipman

AOS Privateer Fiction

Series: n/a
Year  Book  Comment
  The Privateersman The title probably says it all for this one

AOS Pirate Fiction

Series: n/a
Year  Book  Comment
  The Pirate Twin brothers are separated in infancy. One joins a pirate gang, the other becomes a naval officer

AOS Other Nautical Fiction

Series: n/a
Year  Book  Comment
1699 Snarleyyow (The Dog Fiend) Lt. Cornelius Vanslyperken is the commander of a small vessel that hunts for smugglers in the English Channel
  Percival Keene A low-born seaman, on a mission to discover and claim his true parentage and identity
  The Three Cutters A yachtsman tries to assist a revenue cutter
  The Phantom Ship Philip Vanderdecken's search for his cursed father and the Dutchman's ghostly crew.
  Masterman Ready Follows the Pacific sailing the Atlantic and it’s wreck.

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