Geoffrey Martin Bennett

Captain Geoffrey Martin Bennett (1908-1983), who used the pseudonym Sea-Lion when writing novels, was, for many years, a serving officer in the Royal Navy, having joined as a cadet at the age of thirteen, as well as being one of the most highly regarded naval historians of his time..

He wrote novels and factual works, mainly set during WWII, for both adults and children. He also wrote for the BBC's ‘Children's Hour' about the adventures of two Midshipmen 'Tiger' Ransome and 'Snort' Kenton.

He wrote one naval fiction novel set during the age of sail.

Age of Sail: Fiction

AOS Naval Fiction

Series: n/a
Year  Book  Comment
  The Diamond Rock A novel based around the garrisoning of Diamond Rock


AOS Naval Non Fiction

Series: n/a
Year  Book  Comment
  The Battle of Trafalgar The battle in the context of the world-wide struggle against Napoleon, describes the ships, their crews and the tactics of the action
  Nelson the Commander A full and meticulously researched account of Nelson's life and career


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