Newly returned from a successful assignment to rid the Arabian Sea of pirates, Captain Adam Horne of the frigate 'Eclipse' is summoned to the presence of his commading officer, Commodore Watson, head of the East India Company's private fighting unit, the much derided Bombay Marines. It is 1761, and Pondicherry, last stronghold of the French in the Indian subcontinent, has just fallen to the British. Now Captain Horne is given a strange and secret mission: to capture the defeated French commander Thomas Lally, from his prison at Fort St. George in Madras - or the unit will be disbanded for failure. Due to the deployment of most of the Marines on the east coast of India, Horne's force is seriously undermanned. He is left with only one choice: to take his pick of the motley collection of thieves, rap ists and murderers held in the prisons of Bombay Castle and subject them to intensive training for the most closely guarded campaign of the Seven Years' War
The Bombay Marines
- Details
- By: Porter Hill

- Title: The Bombay Marines
- Series: Adam Horne
- First Published by: Souvenir
- First Published Format: HC
- First Published Date: 1985
- ISBN-10: 0-285626-51-5
- ISBN-13: 9780285626515