Angel's Share

Angel, a very old man who once was a Man of the Sea, recalls his boyhood and how he helped five men, a dozen widows and their young children, all led by the charismatic Abner, reach safety at an abandoned Fort, where they hope to escape the breakdown of society in a community guided by hope, faith, loyalty and peace. Among the children is a girl with sea-bright eyes, and her little sister. More than twenty years later, Angel returns in his own ship to find out how they all fared. Unexpectedly, he triggers murderous violence that threatens to destroy the little community, and Angel with it.

Angel’s Share takes place in the world of The Astreya Trilogy. It is the story Able told about his part in the formation of Matris to Astreya and Lindey when they returned from the Village.

  • Author: Seymour Hamilton
  • Title: Angel's Share
  • Series: The Astreya Trilogy (prequel)
  • First Published by: Old Salt Press
  • First Published Format: Kindle
  • First Published Date: 14 September 2020

© 2008-2024 David Hayes (Astrodene)