Late 1870s. Archie Buller is the son of the Third Sea Lord and serves with Queen Victoria's grandsons and is assigned to duty aboard HMS Inflexible. Rod Maclewin is 14-year-old welder's who joins the Royal Navy to escape poverty but his training ship Eurydice capsises near Spithead in a snow squall. Rod is one of only three survivors and is befriended by Commander Lord Charles Beresford, who has him transferred to be coxswain on his gunvessel Condor.

They are preseent when riots in Alexandria lead to the bombarding of Marabout Fort. Archie and Rod meet ashore and begin a lasting friendship when Rod commandeers a locomotive and runs it by the enemy while Archie mans a Gatling gun during riots

They meet again ten years when they fight side by side against the Boers.

Buller's Guns

Author: Richard Hough

Title: Buller's Guns

Series: Archy Buller Naval Adventurer

First Published by: William Morrow & Co


Format: HC

Date: June 1981

ISBN-10: 0688004539

ISBN-13: 9780688004538



  • Author: Richard Hough
  • Title: Buller's Guns
  • Series: Archy Buller Naval Adventurer
  • First Published by: William Morrow & Co
  • First Published Format: HC
  • First Published Date: June 1981
  • ISBN-10: 0688004539
  • ISBN-13: 9780688004538

© 2008-2024 David Hayes (Astrodene)