Jan Needle

Jan Needle was born in Portsmouth on the south coast of England and moved to the north west when he was 20 to join the Daily Herald. At 25 he left full-time journalism and took a degree in drama at Manchester University, where he started writing plays for stage and radio, then short stories and later novels.

In later years he made a living with journalism, radio and television drama, stage plays, and novel-writing, at first for children and later for adults too. He has also written books and essays of dramatic criticism.

Age of Sail: Fiction

AOS Naval Fiction

Series: Sea Officer William Bentley
Year  Book  Comment
  A Fine Boy for Killing Under sealed orders for a long, arduous voyage, Captain Daniel Swift dispenses shipboard law with an iron fist
  The Wicked Trade William Bentley resumes his naval career as an officer on the press tender Biter in the London River
  The Spithead Nymph Midshipman William Bentley awaits trial on charges of treason 
  Undertakers Wind  With the Biter sunk beneath the Caribbean waves Bentley is forced into the world of Jamaican politics.
Series: The Nelson series
Year  Book  Comment
  Nelson: The Poisoned River The governor of Jamaica decides to send an expedition up the San Juan river (short story)
  Nelson: The Dreadful Havoc Nelson – at the age of only 22 – was 'a dead man walking.' (short story)
  Nelson: The Powder Keg With the American War of Independence over, it is all too tame for Horatio (short story)
Series: Charlie Raven Adventure
Year  Book  Comment
  The Devil's Luck Charlie Raven joins his uncle Captain Hector Maxwell, a man who despises him (short story)
  The Death Card Charlie Raven is part of the crew on board the Pointer, trying to gain control of the seas (short story)
Series: n/a
Year  Book  Comment
  Napoleon: The Escape One possible outcome for the many rumours which have surrounded Napoleon’s death (short story)

Modern Era: Fiction

Modern Era Naval Fiction

Series: n/a
Year  Book  Comment
  In Too Deep The Murder of Lionel 'Buster' Crabb

The author’s official web site is janneedle.com

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