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Ray Burt has researched the design, construction and service histories of British battleships for many years, and has also assembled one of the most outstanding collections that exists of photographs of the ships. He is also an accomplished draughtsman and illustrator.

Modern Era Naval Non Fiction

Series: n/a
Year  Book  Comment
  British Battleships 1889-1904 A detailed technical history of the design and construction of British pre-Dreadnoughts
  British Battleships of World War One A detailed technical history of the design and construction of British World War One Battleships.
  British Battleships 1919-1945 Describes the evolution of the battleship classes through all their modifications and refits.
  German Battleships 1897-1945 A pictorial study illustrated with contemporary photographs
  Japanese Battleships 1897-1945 A pictorial study illustrated with contemporary photographs
  French Battleships 1876-1946 A pictorial study illustrated with contemporary photographs

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