The French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte is at the peak of his power and wages war against the United Kingdom. A valiant fleet of British ships resist Bonaparte's onslaught and foremost in the battle is the British sloop HM Active, captained by Lieutenant Robert Salter and his courageous crew. Not only must they contend with the French navy but that of Spain as well. Throw in a few unmitigated scoundrels, a renegade pirate crew or two, and corrupt government officials in the foreign ports where they must land espionage agents and you have the ingredients of another masterpiece by the superb raconteur of naval warfare David O'Neil, in his latest work that will hold the reader in rapture until final word, and clamoring for more.
Desperate Measures
- Details
- By: David O'Neil

- Title: Desperate Measures
- First Published by: W & B Publishers Inc
- First Published Format: PB
- First Published Date: 8 September 2015
- ISBN-10: 1942981317
- ISBN-13: 9781942981312