Colonial Navy Lieutenant Henry Lunt carries a grim message to Ambassador Benjamin Franklin- that there is a British spy operating from within the offices of the American Delegation from France. Meanwhile, the British Foreign office is convinced that Lunt is the mysterious american spymaster because of his connection with a previous incident. This initiates a fearsome sword fight at the French Palace of Versailles, followed by sea battles, double crosses, and a deadly exchange of fire right under the very shadow of Lincoln's St. Paul's Catherdral
Henry Lunt & the Spymaster
- Details
- By: Tom McNamara

- Title: Henry Lunt & the Spymaster
- Series: Henry Lunt
- First Published by: Nuventures Pub
- First Published Format: PB
- First Published Date: 1994
- ISBN-10: 0962563250
- ISBN-13: 9780962563256