On Waves of Glory

Young naval cadet Guy must make a choice … please his love, Marie, or his father …

On Waves of Glory places the reader beside Count Guy de Kersaint, one of France’s greatest ship commanders during the mid-1700s, as he pursues a courtship for Marie on shore and learns the mariner’s lore at sea. Clashing in sea battles, surviving Chickasaw raids, and rescuing Barbary Coast slaves portray just a few of the dramatic exploits in his adventurous life.

Guy strives for elusive fame and an unrequited love…which will destiny grant?

  • Author: D. E. Stockman
  • Title: On Waves of Glory
  • Series: Tween Sea and Shore
  • First Published by: Fireship Press
  • First Published Format: Kindle
  • First Published Date: 1 May 2024

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