1805:The British had an agent in the teeming international city of Cadiz who attempted to bring out a top secret message in cipher. The agent was drowned, and the head of French intelligence, Major Bassiere, sent the dead man and his message to the British. The reason: the message was worthless without the code word to unlock it. Napoleon was laying plans for invasions through England and Ireland and the British turn to dashing Lt. Nicholas Chenevix. He was assigned to pose as a French officer and sent to Cadiz to contact the underground in hopes of breaking the cipher whilst Admiral Nelson cruises offshore.
The French Impostor
- Details
- By: Bruce Weiser

- Title: The French Impostor
- Series: The Adventures of Lt. Nicholas Chenevix
- First Published by: Dorchester Publishing Company
- First Published Date: 1980
- ISBN-10: 0-843908-15-7
- ISBN-13: 978-0843908152