The Sailing Master: Letter of Marque

Resolute and genuine, Letter of Marque is a lively tale, sure to entertain and enlighten.The Treaty of Amiens did not start well for Owen Harriet. It’s spring of 1802. The treaty has idled the British navy. Owen’s been sent ashore in London where he soon learns that his inheritance has been stolen and he must survive on half-pay. Owen returns to his childhood home in Newbury. He reunites with his dear brother, Albert, and learns that Becca, his childhood sweetheart, is still in love with him.

Letter of Marque, the third book of The Sailing Master saga begins where Owen’s first three years at sea ends. Owen, however, has outgrown Newbury. He sets out in pursuit of his true purpose¬—to become a Sailing Master—unaware of the many surprises that await him, not least of which is a covert mission. His ship, the HMS Eleanor must disguise herself as a West African slaver in a ruse of war. Owen is there when two warring factions forge an armistice on a sandbar in Mesurado River in Monrovia. Later, he must deal with the unexpected return of Theophilé Oignon, his nemesis.

  • Author: Lee Henschel Jr.
  • Title: The Sailing Master: Letter of Marque
  • Series: The Sailing Master
  • First Published by: Rocket Science Press
  • First Published Format: Paperback
  • First Published Date: 12 July 2019
  • ISBN-10: 1732627436
  • ISBN-13: 978-1732627437

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