1813: At the outset of this adventure, Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin pursue a heavy American privateer through the Great South Sea. Their ship, the Surprise, is now also a privateer, the better to escape diplomatic complications from Stephen's mission, which is to ignite the revolutionary tinder of South America. Jack will survive a desperate open-boat journey and come face to face with his illegitimate black son; Stephen, caught up in the aftermath of his failed coup, will flee for his life into the high, frozen wastes of the Andes; and Patrick O'Brian's brilliantly detailed narrative will reunite them at last in a breathtaking chase through storm seas and icebergs south of Cape Horn
The Wine-Dark Sea
- Details
- By: Patrick O’Brian

- Title: The Wine-Dark Sea
- Series: Jack Aubrey
- First Published by: Harper Collins
- First Published Place: UK
- First Published Format: HC
- First Published Date: 1993