R. E. McDermott

Robert E. McDermott grew up on the Gulf Coast. After graduation from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, he worked in positions from ship's officer to shipping company management, traveling widely, and living and working in a number of countries. He splits his time between the U.S. and Singapore, where he operates a marine consultancy, advising clients on ship construction and operations.

Modern Era Other Nautical Fiction

Series: Tom Dugan
Year  Book  Comment
  Deadly Straits One of Alex Dugan's tankers is found adrift near Singapore with a dead crew, and another explodes in port.
  Deadly Coast Dugan stumbles across a rogue salvage operation for a long lost weapon of mass destruction.
  Deadly Crossing A world of slavery and cruelty from which no one will escape unless Dugan can weather a Deadly Crossing
Series: The Disruption Series
Year  Book  Comment
  Under a Tell-Tale Sky The world is in flames, and Captain Jordan Hughes has a big fat target on his back
    (Rest of series is not nautical)

The author’s official web site is remcdermott.com

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