
As the title makes clear this novel is based around the Siege of Acre which was an important milestone in the career of the hero of this series Sir Sidney Smith. The focus of the book shifts between three points of view, Smith's activities, Napoleon's activities and Nelson at Naples revealing a wealth of detail from the historic record.

It is often true that truth is stranger than fiction and if you ever require evidence of that you only have to read this novel and the author's detailed historical notes at the end. Smith is defending Acre with no support from his seniors and ,as a sailor, actually defeats Napoleon, something the land generals had not achieved and would not for many years to come. Napoleon displayed a callous streak towards prisoners and his own wounded and the nation's favourite, Nelson, seemed to totally loose himself in Naples. 

When you read this novel it really stirs your thoughts as you can only wonder as to the future of Europe if these events had turned out differently and Nelson had concentrated on the Eastern Mediterranean instead of Naples. It is likely Napoleon would have been a prisoner and would over 15 years of war have been avoided? At the centre of it all, Sir Sidney Smith.


Description of: Acre

Author: Tom Grundner

© 2008-2025 David Hayes