Young Adult Fiction Author

Parental GuidanceThe list below is of those authors who have been tagged as writing books specifically for young adults. It includes authors from all genres on this site.

Suitable books will be tagged as "Written for Young Adults". Many other books  will often be suitable but they were not specifically written for young adults.

Most author listings use the sites Tags and authors may appear in more than one list. Where an author does not have a dedicated page their 'bio' will be on their tag.

There is a comprehensive list of all Author Tags on the site, or use one of the filtered lists below.

Historic Naval Fiction : HNF Related : Royal Marines : HNF Fantasy Mix : AOS Naval Non-Fiction: AOS Nautical Fiction : AOS Privateer FictionAOS Pirate Fiction : AOS Other Non-Fiction : ME Naval Fiction : ME Naval Non-Fiction : ME Nautical Fiction : ME Other Non-Fiction : Gay Romance : Young Adult : or Search

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