Blood for Breakfast

This book has been released under the following alternate titles:-
Sea of Gold

1799: The Treasure now lost, Fox is beset by his shattered dreams. Not for him the high post in the Navy. But not yet the life of privateer, an adventurer of fortune.

There is still big bounty to be had in the King's navy, rich prizes to take in the Mediterranean. And Fox is master of the seas and winds, an expert with the cannon.

But with a Turkish harem on board, a Spanish three-master in tow, Fox the peacemaker is much in demand. Can this good fortune last? Will his worth at last be recognised?

  • Author: Adam Hardy
  • Title: Blood for Breakfast
  • Series: George Abercrombie Fox
  • First Published by: New English Library
  • First Published Format: PB
  • First Published Date: 1974
  • ISBN-10: 0450017192
  • ISBN-13: 9780450017193

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