The Duty and Destiny Series is a superbly-crafted family saga with a strong naval/seafaring theme. Set in the period of the French Revolutionary War (1793 – 1802). The series follows the naval career, loves and business dealings of Englishman, Frederick Harris, the son of a Hampshire landowner. He is a brave but reluctant mariner. Despite his disinclination, he is seemingly destined to become a Master and Commander of his own ship.

Book One - The Friendly Sea:

Young Frederick takes the chance to shine in a bloody engagement with the French. Promoted for his daring acts, he is sent to the Caribbean to seek out more French prizes.

The Friendly Sea

Author: Andrew Wareham

Title: The Friendly Sea

Series: The Duty and Destiny Series

First Published by: The Electronic Book Company


Format: Kindle

Date: 27 July 2014






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