Michael Aye

Michael Aye is a retired naval (mustang) officer. Joining the navy at age 17, he turned 19 riding a "Tin Can" in Vietnam. During twenty-two years of service, Michael held all the enlisted ranks from E-1 to E-9. He also held the ranks of CWO2 through CWO4 and finally retired as a full Lieutenant. Mike has sailed the Med, the North Atlantic, the Caribbean, the Black Sea, and the Western Pacific by way of the Panama Canal. He also spent a significant amount of time stationed with the USMC, first as a Hospital Corpsman, and later as a Physician Assistant. He retired as the Base Medical Officer at the Marine Corps Logistical Base in Albany, Georgia. Upon retiring from the navy he attended the University of Nebraska College of Medicine where he specialized in the treatment of allergy and asthma, and is now a partner in a busy allergy practice with four clinics in South Georgia. Mike is married to his teenage sweetheart, and has two children and six grandchildren.

Mike has always been interested in the history of Colonial America and the British and French wars. His greatest influence as a writer is probably Alexander Kent, but also credits James Nelson and Julian Stockwin as authors who made him realize there's still a place and market for sea fiction today. Mike  is writing a series about the adventures of a Navy family, the Fighting Anthonys, and plans twelve novels dealing with the American Revolutionary War, and - if there is a demand - another twelve dealing with the British war with France. He also plans a series tentatively titled "The birth of a Nation", featuring an American Privateer, Malichi Mundy and his ship Avenger.

AOS Naval Fiction

Series: The Fighting Anthonys
Year Book Comment
1774 The Reaper Captain Gilbert Anthony commanding the fourth-rate Drakkar  is being sent to chase pirates in the Carribbean .
1776 HMS Seawolf Gabe leads a daring cutting out expedition that ends disastrously
  The Fireship Gabe saves the flagship from destruction (Short Story)
1777  Barracuda The brothers are assigned to protect Florida loyalists.
  Seahorse Admiral Lord Anthony and Gabe are sent to the West Indies
1778 Peregrine The Anthony's mission is to transport prisoners of war and their families to Norfolk, Virginia
  Trident Gabe finds himself thrust into command of a squadron
1780 Leopard The worst hurricane in history threatens to do what enemy cannons can’t do — stop the Fighting Anthonys
1781 Ares Captain Gabriel “Sir Gabe” Anthony has been given command of Ares, a French prize.
  Andalucia Gabe Anthony, now a Commodore, leads a squadron to the Pacific
Series: War 1812 (mainly non-nautical)
Year Book Comment
  Remember the Raisin Includes Commodore Perry's great defeat of the British on the Great Lakes                                                    
1813 Battle At Horseshoe Bend The Red Sticks, under the encouragement of England and Spain, have attacked peaceful Fort Mims (not nautical)
1814 The Battle of New Orleans General Andrew Jackson enlists the help of the notorious pirate, Jean LaFitte

AOS Pirate/Privateer Fiction

Series: The Pyrate
Year Book Comment
  The Pyrate: The Rise of Cooper Cain Cooper is captured by pirates and eventually signs on to be a member of their crew [Pirate]
1812 Letter of Marque Cain leaves piracy to become a privateer, raiding British vessels [Privateer]
  The Hunter Who better to hunt down a pirate than the Pyrate? [Privateer]

AOS Other Nautical Fiction

Series: The Smugglers
Year  Book  Comment
  The Smugglers of Deal Cole becomes a trusted friend to a known smuggler
  The Smuggler's Spy The secret division of the Foreign Service calls on Buckley

 The author’s official web site is michaelaye.com

© 2008-2024 David Hayes (Astrodene)