M. Kei

M. Kei  is a tall ship sailor and award-winning poet. He lives on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay and apprenticed aboard a skipjack, a sail-powered oyster dredge. He now serves with a fully rigged ship. His publications include over 1200 tanka poems in six languages and ten countries. He is also the author of Slow Motion : The Log of a Chesapeake Bay Skipjack, a log he kept in verse form of several extended trips aboard a skipjack.

He brings his experience crewing on board wooden sailing vessels to a swashbuckling HNF series,  Pirates of the Narrow Seas, set in the 18th century Royal Navy with a gay hero Lt. Peter Thorton and the corsair fleet of the Sallee Rovers.

AOS Naval Fiction

Series: Pirates of the Narrow Seas
Year  Book  Comment
  Man in the Crescent Moon Young Isam learns the skills of navigation and leadership necessary to become the most notorious corsair of the age
  The Sea Leopard Isam Rais is battling unfriendly allies as much as his enemies
  The Sallee Rovers Thorton struggles to come out gay while surviving storms at sea, ship to ship battles, duels, kidnapping, and more.
  Men of Honor Thorton and his lover set out to rescue a captive duke who is the pretender to the throne of Portugal.
  Iron Men Thorton is temporarily in command of HM frigate Ajax but is badly outnumbered by the vengeful Spanish.
  Heart of Oak Thorton's divided loyalties are tested as he becomes a pawn in the war for Portuguese independence

The author’s official web site is narrowseas.blogspot.com

© 2008-2024 David Hayes (Astrodene)