An Honorable War

Politics, love, and war swirl around Captain Peter Wake (USN) in Havana when the USS Maine explodes on a quiet evening in February, 1898. Working with Assistant Secretary of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt in the tense pre-war days, carrying out a perilous espionage mission inside Cuba, and leading a disastrous raid on the Cuban coast, Wake is in the middle of it all. This is the first of a dynamic trilogy set during the Spanish-American War in the Caribbean, when America changes forever into a global power.

  • Author: Robert N. Macomber
  • Title: An Honorable War: The Spanish-American War Begins
  • Series: Honor (Peter Wake)
  • First Published by: Pineapple Press
  • First Published Format: HC
  • First Published Date: 15 February 2017
  • ISBN-10: 1561649724
  • ISBN-13: 9781561649723

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