Admiral1660: The King is back! - and news of his dramatic restoration hits Jamaica like a hurricane. While the Governor appointed by Cromwell anxiously waits to learn his fate, he depends for the island's defence on Ned Yorke's buccaneers supplying him with captured Spanish guns.

And what will be the future of Yorke himself, a Royalist planter turned buccaneer and his second-in-command, boisterous Sir Thomas Whetstone?

However, Charles Ii's return from exile brings no immediate peace to the Spanish Main, and
Yorke and Whetstone find scores more adventurers joining them for profitable raids on the enemy - the most desperate forays yet.

Author: Dudley Pope

Title: Admiral

Series: Ned Yorke

First Published by: Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd


Format: HC

Date: 1982

ISBN-10: 0436377438

ISBN-13: 9780436377433


© 2008-2024 David Hayes (Astrodene)